Brand New Day

Sober Living Facility

Mission Statement:

Our mission at Brand New Day is to create a strictly sober environment that provides the best possible opportunity for those in addiction recover to maintain sobriety and equip themselves with the skills needed to maintain that sobriety beyond program participation in order to successfully integrate into society.

Values Statement

1.  The Brand New Day program is a Christian-based program. Brand New Day strives to create a Christian-based environment from which all support and education has its foundation in Christ.


2.  Brand New Day values absolute sobriety, and will go to any and all lengths to ensure an absolutely sober environment.


3.  Brand New Day values authority, as all authority comes from God, and will respect the authority of the state of Arkansas, the county of Boone, and the city of Harrison. Brand New Day likewise expects that its authority and those it has placed in authority will be respected at all times by guests.


4.  Brand New Day values commensurate discipline as an aspect of love.


5.  Brand New Day values its guests as individuals created and loved by God. Brand New Day's goal is to build up that individual into the person that God sees, not to tear down that individual to the level that the world expects.